Efficient cost effective air cooling

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Effective tips for your appliances

Heating and Cooling

Heaters, air cons and split systems are very common fixtures in homes across Australia. Unfortunately, they are also up there with dryers as the appliances that put the most strain on our energy bills.

One of the many benefits of a new Thrive home design is that the roof, walls and floors are already well insulated with R2.0 insulation. Thanks to insulation and smart design, you’re already taking a step in the right direction when it comes to reducing your energy costs. Your money is better invested in a well designed, energy efficient home than spent on excess heating and cooling!

However, as we’re coming into winter we’re still going to be switching on our heaters. We’re taking a look at how you can use your heating appliances without your bills getting out of control.

1. Choose the right size (kW).

It’s crucial, especially when it comes to split system heater/coolers, that your unit is the right size for the space it’s in. Modern split systems are designed to switch off when the room has reached the desired temperature. If the unit is too small, it won’t be powerful enough to bring the room to temp and will run constantly, churning through energy as it struggles to do the job. If the unit is too big, the room will reach the temp too quickly (before it goes through the entire cycle it’s designed for), and turn off - then as the space cools down, turn back on again and repeat the process. This on-off-on-off process not only wastes energy, but also decreases the lifespan of the unit.

For a simple and informative guide on the right size for you, check out this heater buying guide.

2. Invest in a ceiling fan.

As we know, hot air rises and as it falls, it cools. This means we’re left sitting in the cooler pocket of air (and turning up the heat) while all the warm air hangs out near the ceiling. You’ll need a fan with some kind of winter mode (most modern fans have this function). This reverses the direction of rotation, preventing the cooling draft that we’re looking for in summer and instead gently mixing the heated air as it rises. At Thrive, we offer ‘Tempo’ 48” ceiling fans which feature All Seasons Technology as one of our affordable upgrade options - perfect for both winter and summer.

3. Rethink your temp settings.

It’s recommended that in winter, we keep our heaters set to no more than 20°. For every one degree increase, you’re adding 10% to the amount of electricity the unit is using, which over a quarter really adds up. You might think that 20° isn’t going to be warm enough - but when it’s 10° outside, 20° is going to feel balmy by comparison! If you’re still feeling a bit chilly, rethink turning the heat up those extra degrees and grab a blanket instead. See here for some interesting info on how much you could save by keeping your thermostat in check.

4. Don’t leave it on overnight.

There are plenty of ways to stay warm in bed without resorting to leaving your heater on overnight - and try to stay away from heated mattress pads and electric blankets, too! Instead, place a thick, warm blanket on top of the mattress (or on top of the mattress protector, if you use one). Swap your light summer sheets for something warmer - flannel sheets are amazing. Then, invest in a winter doona such as wool or microfibre. Target have an affordable range. Finish it off with another warm blanket, and your bed is winter ready! If you need some additional warmth, grab some bedsocks and a hot water bottle. Carpet in the bedrooms always helps, too. At Thrive Homes, carpet comes as standard.

5. Don’t heat rooms you’re not using.

Sounds simple, but so many of us turn the heating on to warm the whole house, including bathrooms and bedrooms, when all we’re doing is watching TV in the lounge. Walk around the house and close all the doors you can to rooms or spaces you’re not using. Don’t turn on the heater in the bedroom as soon as you get home, turn it on just before you go to bed (and don’t forget to turn it off again before you go to sleep!).

We hope these tips will help you save on your heating bills this winter, while still making sure you and your family stay cosy at home.


With living costs on the rise, many of us are on the lookout for ways we can cut down on our day to day household expenses. One recommended way to curb your costs is by investing in energy efficient appliances. But how much do you know about making those appliances work for you in the most efficient way?

This week we’re looking at dishwashers. We already know that dishwashers use less water than hand washing, with the average sink holding 20-25 litres of water and the average dishwasher using only 13L (our Dishlex, which is on offer as one of our affordable Thrive upgrade options, uses approx 11.6L). However, you could be unknowingly increasing your usage if you’re making any of the below mistakes.

1. Don’t hand-rinse your dishes beforehand.

Unless you’re using a dinosaur of a dishwasher, you don’t need to pre rinse by hand. Blasting your tap to rinse off your dishes is firstly, a waste of water and secondly, if you’re using hot water, a waste of energy. Scrape your dishes instead. Many models, our Dishlex included, have a prewash function which is great for heavy soiling.

2. Use the right program.

Sounds simple, right? But so many of us don’t do it, choosing to go with a generic (sometimes pre-set) program which, although effective for many different types of loads,  is usually not the most efficient. Take the time to learn about the programs your dishwasher offers, what they’re best suited for and how much water and energy is used by each program. Our Dishlex model features a water-saving Eco program, which is a great go-to for everyday loads.

3. Wash during off-peak periods.

We’re all wanting to use our hot water and appliances before and after work, however the high demand at these times also means increased rates. It might take a bit of planning and maybe a shift in routine, but if you start using your dishwasher during off peak times only (which usually start around 8-10pm and finish about 7am) this can lead to a saving on your water and energy bills. Speak to your provider to find out what your peak vs. off peak charges are, then try washing only during off peak times for one whole quarter to see how much you save.

4. Avoid having to run the load more than once.

We’ve all been there - opening up the dishwasher to find it hasn’t quite done the job, and having to run it again. Hello, wastage! Avoid this with a few simple steps.

  • Stack it correctly. Resist the urge to shove in those one or two remaining  items that aren’t quite fitting! This can compromise the whole wash, creating blind spots where the water jets can’t reach.
  • Make sure the spray arms can rotate freely. Once the dishwasher is stacked, give them a spin - if they are hitting anything or getting stuck, the dishwasher won’t work properly.
  • Keep it clean. Every few months, run a cycle on the hottest wash temp possible with the dishwasher empty. In the top basket, place an open dishwasher-safe container with a cup of vinegar in it, to flush out grease and grime and remove odours.

We hope these tips will help cut down your costs! If you had any questions for our Thrive Experts about the appliances we install in our Thrive Homes, feel free to get in touch with us here.



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